The majority of premium international schools and government schools may be miles apart in terms of resources and perception of quality, but they share one thing in common – the subconscious objectification and sexism being built up in the mindset of the students. One may go and visit any school, there are students happily singing along to songs which seem …
I am crazy and I am proud of it
Mental health issues are one of the least spoken topics in the general society. Maybe second only to topics like sexual awareness and People associate mental health issues to words like madness, weird, oddity, crazy and other similar terms. There is a prevalent line of thinking among people who believe that anyone who goes to a psychologist is definitely crazy …
The stumbling Indian Education System
Did you know that India has one of the largest student populations in the entire world which stands at 315 million? Out of this large number 120 million of them are in the age group of 18-22 years. The biggest asset that our nation has are its people. Because of its large population India has one of the largest untapped …
Is Football an answer to Gender Equality?
“The changes are so profound that, from the perspective of human history, there has never been a time of greater promise or potential peril.” The aforementioned words of Klaus Schwab,, founder of World Economic Forum, may elicit an entire spectrum of responses. For some, they may get the alarm bells ringing, while for others, they may be a call to …